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Brembo Brake Pads vs Ferodo Premier *PART 2*

Brembo brake pads box

If you have been following the channel you’ll know that I’ve already done a Brembo brake pads vs Ferodo comparison test. You can see the review here.

Why am I doing another review?

I came from that first review with some quite strong views on what I found, and given how popular these brake pad brands are I thought it was worth doing the test again to make 100% sure that my initial assessment was correct.

The First Review.

In the first review I had Ferodo Premier on the car and changed to Brembo. I gave my thoughts on how they compared

Part 2 – This Review

This time I’ve removed the Brembo and installed Ferodo Premier on the car again around 5,000 KM ago.

Do I Still Have The Same Opinions?

My complaints (in the first review) of the Brembo were primarily lack of bite on the disc generally. The Brembo seemed to have noticeably less grip on the discs compared to the Ferodo Premier.

Revisiting the Ferodo, I’d say this is still the case. I believe I have to put less force on the brake pedal for the car to come to a stop with the Ferodo vs the Brembo. Same stopping force with less pedal effort is a good thing in my opinion.

The other complaint I had of the Brembo were their braking stamina. The pads seemed to fade too easily compared to the Ferodo Premier.

Fade resistance. My opinion of the Brembo changed but it did take around 30,000KM of use to notice.

Yes the Brembo pads faded too early in my opinion and in any case, before the Premier would. But I found that there was a limit to how much the Brembo would fade. You’d get that first bit a fade quiet early, when I say fade, I mean the friction between the pad and the disc dropped off, but the Brembo reached a floor, they got to a point where they did not drop off more. In other words the Brembo brake pads suffered from fade but they didn’t give up completely. After a certain point you could manage the heat and the pads did not get any worse.

Does that make them better than the Ferodo Premier?


I still believe the Ferodo Premier outperform the Brembo brake pads under extreme conditions. The Ferodo maintain higher friction on the brake disc for more of the time.

Ferodo vs Brembo – Summary

In summary, I stick with the original assessment. The Ferodo Premier are a superior brake pad (at least the pads I had) to the Brembo (factory replacement) brake pads. The Ferodo have more bite on the disc when cold. And they maintain a better grip on the disc when they are hot.

The Ferodo, in my opinion, are a nicer pad to use because you need to put less effort on the brake pedal and they inspire more confidence because they can take more punishment than the Brembo pads before brake performance starts to drop off.

Again, these are my subjective opinions (I did not measure braking distances etc) in a back to back test. Your opinion may be different.

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This page was last modified Sep 17, 2024 @ 6:48 pm

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