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Blood Test Results Interpreter – Bolt in your numbers

Sample blood test results.

I wanted something that could interpret my blood test results so I made a blood test interpreter. I bolt in my blood test results and the idea is, it spits out conditions or health problems I might have/be on the verge of having, eg liver or kidney problems, heart issue, the big C etc.

Like I said. That’s the idea. It’s early days, it’s a work in progress. At the moment it is very basic and the numbers used (normal ranges) are for adult males but I’ll be looking at making tweaks on an ongoing basis and I’ll update this page at the bottom to detail what updates have been made and when.

If you want some general information about blood tests click here and here.

**FEEDBACK** – If you tried it, let me know what you think in the comment section below. Tell me what’s good, what’s not good, mistakes, where can I make improvements etc

**DISCLAIMER** – This is for my personal use, you are free to use the interpreter for yourself but it is in no way a substitute for consulting with a health care professional and carrying out you’re own independent research. I make mistakes and I am not qualified in the field of health care. Use entirely at your own risk.


12.10.22 – Scoring. Out of normal range in direction of said health issue “scores” 3

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This page was last modified Oct 12, 2022 @ 8:06 pm

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