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Is this guy the smoothest bike rider on the planet? – Nordschleife @ 99% Attack

Caught sight of this video after looking for something completely different.

This guy sets a 7 10 lap, bridge to gantry and let me tell you, that looks like it took commitment.

But one thing that stood out above all else was the smoothness of the rider.

Braking in a straight line, almost all apexes hit perfectly, one turn into the corner not endless stabs and the same with the throttle. Not once did I see him get on the throttle in the corner and then have to get out.

Complete control which begs the question, is this guy the smoothest bike rider on the planet?

Here is the vid…


Click here for the full “Bridge to Gantry” story.

Here is a quick excerpt

Who are you?

“My name is Andy Carlile, though I’m often referred to as AndyPath, him, or did you see that bike come flying past, jesus h. christ! I’m a 33-year-old ex-moped mayhem double champion of Cumbrian descent. That’s in England, by the way. I’ve lived at the Nürburgring since 2007 and probably completed a few thousand laps of the old ‘ring.”

Why did you do this?

“Honestly, I was attracted to near-unlimited track access for the price of one year ticket. From there things just spiralled. I started my first year at the ‘ring making beds and changing tyres. Initially helping Performance Bikes magazine with their roadtests here, by the end I was riding in place of the injured Baron as the laptime-setter. Having realised I could go fast here, my competitive and analytical (some might say overly-analytical – DL) nature urged me to maybe try and be the fastest…”

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This page was last modified Dec 19, 2017 @ 8:54 pm

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