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Should Pagani Scrap The Huayra? Evolve the Zonda?

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Of course it is not going to happen but lets look at why it Pagani should have continued evolving the Zonda.

If there was any doubt that beautiful cars sell take a look at the Suzuki Swift and Nissan Qashqai.

The Suzuki Swift was a below average selling hatchback until 2004 when the second generation Swift was launched. From being a bit of a minger of a car and not inspiring anyone, to a new shape being a runaway sales success.

The Nissan Qashqai, a new concept with no proven demand and yet it is a good-looking car and sales have exceeded expectations.

And then you have the Huayra, which lets be honest, is not a particularly nice looking car.

That on its own is enough to make you doubts its success, the fact that the Huayra is following probably one of the most beautiful supercars ever put together makes it look even less appealing.

Check out these video clips from EVO Magazine and tell me which would you prefer, the Zonda or the Huayra?



You may say “but wait, the Huayra is a much faster car” and that may be the case, so let me put it another way, by a factor of what would you prefer to have a Zonda with the Huayra engine, rather than having a Huayra?

If the decision is not even close in your opinion, then Pagani could have problems on the horizon.

You may say things need to move on to keep them fresh and I agree, but that is no excuse to make a car less appealing than the previous model, that is not progress. If you want evidence of evolution being a rock solid sales tactic, just look at the 911. Shows evolution can be better than revolution.

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This page was last modified Dec 28, 2024 @ 5:51 pm

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