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VLN Crash Nurburgring 2015.3.28 – What It Teaches Us

If there is one thing that can be learnt from the tragic event at the Nurburgring this weekend is that crash fences do not put you, as the spectator, in some sort of indestructible bubble, shielded from the danger of motorsport. The same rules that apply to rally spectating apply to spectating at a race circuit, especially at a race circuit that has limited run off.

In short spectating in line with a braking area and on the exit of a turn is the most dangerous place to spectate. Sure you have crash fencing protecting you but as this accident shows, it does not guarantee your safety and if you insist of spectating in these danger areas you should be prepared to run if the worst should happen.

Yes it is a tragic event but the death and injury of these specatators should not be a waste. It gives us all, as spectators of motor racing events, something to learn from. Our thoughts with those and the families of those involved.

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This page was last modified Mar 28, 2015 @ 7:19 pm

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