Irish Tarmac Rally Championship – The Leader in Europe
The Irish Tarmac Rally Championship has been covered on Motors TV for the past few years now and it has been a big suprise for us.
Motors TV to their credit are giving more and more exposure to club motorsport, their live coverage of British Rallycross for example, but the program that is put together for the Irish Tarmac Rally Championship was a real nice surprise.
There are many factors which make the coverage such a joy to watch but the main factor simply comes down to the level of professionalism, both in terms of the production company and the drivers themselves.
The cars used are of the highest level, we are talking WRC cars here mixed in with many MK2 Ford Escorts. WRC cars are a pretty rare sight due to their immense cost so it goes to show how serious this championship is taken.
We mentioned the professionalism of the production and drivers. The quality of the driver interviews are a cut above anything you will see in the world of motorsport. Forget the monotone interviews you get in F1 or the shy interviews you get in the UK. There is a real openess among the drivers and they give a real insight intot he subject they are covering be it the previous stage, their competiton or even the weather. The drivers look completely comfortbale in front of the camera which is a real novelty for most racing drivers.
Speaking of the weather, the climate is Ireland is changeable to say the least and the fact that the country is also extremely picteresque just adds to the visual display of the TV coverage.
The incar camera shots are amongst the best you can find anywhere, the fact that the roads that the rally’s are held on can be extremely narrow really ramps up the impression of speed.
On top of all this is the fact the championship is held on public roads, which, given the fact that this is illegal in the UK, is a breath of fresh air from the nanny state. The Welsh & Scottish forests are a nice spectacle but for sheer adrenalin, you cant beat an ex WRC firing down a narrow coutry lane at 100mph+
Check out the programme on Motors TV, if your a fan of motorsport you will not be disappointed!