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What F1 Can Learn From The Masters

StrikeEngine would class itself as a hardcore TV motorsport fanatic and F1 does nothing for us anymore. And it would seem we are not the only ones.

The Masters in the other hand is something that grabs our attention and is something that we will watch from beginning to end even though we are not big fans of golf.

So what is the difference?

The environment.

The Masters is shot on arguably the most scenic golf course on any televised golf tournament. And this is the nub of the matter.

The environment that The Masters is shot in is phenomenal, the environment of most F1 circuits is not.

Back in the old days we had the full-bore, flat-out Hockenheim circuit showing cars flying through dense German forests at over 200mph.

Back in the old days we had Imola. Even with the revised layout is was a pleasure to watch with its fast directions changes and changes in elevation.

Back in the old days we had Barcelona, the old layout with the fast Nissen corner and the flat-out final two corners.

The new tracks such as Dubai, China, Malaysia, the Hockenheim ring and so on have absolutely no visual entertainment whatsoever. If you disagree, leave your comment below.

Thankfully, F1 still has some great circuits left, Spa and Monza spring to mind.

Unless F1 brings back some classic circuits even the mammoth PR machine that works behind the scenes will not be enough to stop F1 becoming less popular than NASCAR, MOTO GP and the World Superbike Championship.

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This page was last modified Dec 19, 2017 @ 8:33 pm

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